Monday, January 18, 2010

Sermon on Dependence on the Spirit: Be Clothed With Power from On High

In Luke 24:45-49. Jesus promises that He will send the Holy Spirit, and He asks His disciples to wait in the city until the Holy Spirit comes. He says that when this happens, they will be “clothed with power from on high.”

We all know when we are clothed and when we are not. The Greek here literally means “to be clothed.” This indicates that we will have the Holy Spirit covering us, protecting us, making us look good, empowering us. Just like we would not go anywhere without our clothing, so as Christians we should not go anywhere without the Holy Spirit covering us. Without the Spirit, we are incomplete and unprepared for public ministry, but with Him, we are able to witness “to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem” (verse 47).

Again we see this promise made by Jesus in Acts 1:7-8. At this time, Jesus was leaving His disciples and ascending into heaven. In His last words He again says to them, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” Note that here again the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is referred to as including the gift of power for witness.

We can only imagine what it was actually like to wait for the power to be fully evidenced.For one thing, the disciples did not know how long they would have to wait. (Fifty days from Easter and ten days from the day Jesus ascended into heaven.) What was it really like to spend days, not just hours, in a long prayer meeting? They did not even know how long they would have to wait. Those who were willing to wait and tarry in the presence of the Lord ultimately were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit arrived, He did not do so quietly. Discuss the wind (and the power of a great wind). Give examples of being in a great wind or tornado. A mighty wind blows away so many things that are not tacked down. Likewise, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit removes things out our lives which do not belong there, making room for the fullness of the power of God!

The fire was a blast from heaven. God wants to set us on fire so we are bold to proclaim the good news and step out in faith to heal and change people’s lives.  Pentecost was not a slight breeze, but more like a hurricane. nor was it tiny little flame, but rather a licking blaze. Something powerful and distinctive happened when these people were baptized in the Holy Spirit!

The Church today need not go on in its powerless ineffective condition. All the mighty resources of the Holy Spirit are at its disposal. The individual Christian need not remain spiritually weak and anemic. He can tarry in surrender and faith and be “clothed with power from on high.” Just as atomic power represents the release of hidden forces in the physical world, so Pentecost represents the release of invisible forces in the realm of personality.

In the same way, the Holy Spirit may be residing in a believer and yet may not be able to penetrate every part of his being. There are too many hindrances. Resentments, uncontrolled temper, pride, doubt, and other unchristian attitudes are casting shadows in his heart. What the individual needs is not more of the Spirit, but to allow the Spirit to possess more, yes, all of him. Then he will be “filled with the Spirit.”

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