Sunday, June 08, 2008

Join the Barnabus Movement!

Join us in the Barnabus movement. Be a son or a daughter of encouragement. Practice radical acts of kindness in the name of Jesus. Serve Jesus with a glad heart. Brighten people's lives with a smile, a hug, and a kind word.

We could certainly use more kindness and courtesy in our country today.I believe we are called to practice deliberate kindness, inspired acts of beauty and beautiful acts of love. We are called to perform acts that respond to the serious needs of real people, acts that reveal the beauty of God and His ways, acts that rely on and point to the power and purpose of God to redeem us from evil and to bring about the Kingdom of God. Through such acts, God is glorified and the love of Christ is shown to a doubting and hurting world.

The movement for magnified and multiplied Christian kindness gets its name from Barnabus, the missionary partner of Paul, who we meet in Acts 4: "36 And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, The son of encouragement,) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus, 37 Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles' feet." We are called to be people of encouragement and consolation, too!

Author Jim Kok, who wrote "The Miracle of Kindness," calls on us to join in the power kindness movement. Encouragement is "in courage ment": helping another to take a hold of God's courage in the midst of a challenge or difficulty. We all deal with disappointments, stresses, or hurts everyday and so we need encouragement from one another. There are so many ways to give encouragement to others:

Sharing a "good thought" or Bible verse that blesses others.

Asking someone, "How are you?" and really listening with your heart.

Responding with patience and kindness when someone is mean to you.

Letting someone cut in front of you on the freeway.

Praying for someone even though they don't know it.

Inviting someone who is lonely to have a meal with you.

Volunteering to help clean up after an event.

Giving a generous tip to your waiter at the restaurant.

Offering specific words of appreciation when someone helps you - encourage the encourager!

Simply offering a friendly smile to a stranger can do wonders!

Letting people know how much they mean to you while they are still alive. Do not wait to send flowers. Send encouragement now!

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