Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Mary the mother of Jesus
Mary was a young girl, probably only in her teen years when the angel Gabriel came to her. She had recently become engaged to a carpenter named Joseph. Mary was an ordinary Jewish girl, looking forward to marriage. Suddenly her life would forever change.
Fearful and troubled, Mary found herself in the presence of the angel. She could never have expected to hear the most incredible news—that she would have a child, and her son would be the Messiah.
Although she could not comprehend how she would conceive the Savior, she responded to God with humble belief and obedience.
Although Mary's calling held great honor, it would demand great suffering too. There would be pain in childbirth and motherhood, as well as in the privilege of being the mother of the Messiah.

Mary's Accomplishments

Mary was the mother of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. She was a willing servant, trusting in God and obeying his call. n essence, she was the first Christian, believing in her son before anyone else.

Mary the Mother of Jesus' Strengths

The angel told Mary in Luke 1:28 that she was highly favored by God. This phrase simply meant that Mary had been given much grace or "unmerited favor" from God. Even with God's favor, Mary would still suffer much.
Although she would be highly honored as the mother of the Savior, she would first know disgrace as an unwed mother. She nearly lost her fiance. Her beloved son was rejected and cruelly murdered.
Mary's submission to God's plan would cost her dearly, yet she was willing to be God's servant.
God knew that Mary was a woman of rare strength. She was the only human being to be with Jesus throughout his entire life—from birth until death.
She gave birth to Jesus as her baby and watched him die as her Savior.
Mary also knew the Scriptures. When the angel appeared and told her the baby would be God's Son, Mary replied, "I am the Lord's servant ... may it be to me as you have said." (Luke 1:38). She knew of the Old Testament prophesies about the coming Messiah.

Mary's Weaknesses

Mary was young, poor, and female. These qualities made her unsuitable in the eyes of her people to be used mightily of God. But God saw Mary's trust and obedience. He knew she would willingly serve God in one of the most important callings ever given to a human being.
God looks at our obedience and trust—typically not the qualifications that man consider important. God will often use the most unlikely candidates to serve him.

Life Lessons

Mary must have known that her submission to God's plan would cost her. If nothing else, she knew she would be disgraced as an unwed mother. Surely she expected Joseph to divorce her, or worse yet, he might even have her put to death by stoning.
Mary may not have considered the full extent of her future suffering. She may not have imagined the pain of watching her beloved child bear the weight of sin and die a terrible death on the cross.

Question for Reflection

Am I willing to accept God's plan no matter the cost?
Can I go a step further and rejoice in that plan as Mary did, knowing it will cost me dearly?


Nazareth in Galilee

References to Mary in the Bible

Jesus' mother Mary is mentioned throughout the Gospels and in Acts 1:14.


Wife, mother, homemaker.

Family Tree

Husband - Joseph
Relatives - Zechariah, Elizabeth
Children - Jesus, James, Joses, Judas, Simon and daughters

Key Verses

Luke 1:38
"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. (NIV)

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