Sunday, October 24, 2010

Becoming a Fully Realized Acts 16:5 Church

As we work toward becoming a fully realized Christian church, which we call an Acts 16:5 church. we seek God;s guidance to those goals that God may have in mind for our congregation as we seek to become one with a dynamic vision. Dr. Stan Ott, our adviser for our presbytery, stresses developing discipleship, a missional focus, and an insight about friendliness and hospitality that is critical. Ott makes a distinction between friendliness and hospitality: "friendship is warm, sociable and pleasant" while hospitality invites people into our lives in meaningful ways. Hospitality is the key to keeping new attendees and making them a part of the congregation.

Ott urges us to look at making worship responsive to many needs and explore the importance of small-group ministry. Ott also advocates shared ministry between the pastor, the leaders, and the members of the congregation.

Ott offers seven signs of a vital congregation and six principles for going about the practice of vital ministry. Ott is practical and inspiring, hopeful, and confident that God is at work in every congregation. Ott urges us to use scriptural references that support the ongoing message he preaches to us about mission, vision, and God's presence in the church.

The practices of discipleship Ott lists are the "Seven Habits of the Burning Heart." These are spiritual practices that support and sustain the growth of disciples. Ott's habits are concerned with relationships, both with God and with others; well-being--spiritual, physical, and emotional; stewardship; and ministry and work. He reminds us that these tools of discipleship are the work of God's Spirit among us that forms Christ within us.

Ott recognizes that the church is in a time of transition today but reminds us that this is not a new state, that the church is always in some state of transition. Ott offers a very positive definition of transition. He writes, "But I want to offer a new definition of the transitional congregation--a church in transition to a positive, future-embracing vision that says, 'We have not yet experienced this congregation's greatest ministry. Let us bless what God has done among us and add the ministry we believe will touch another circle of people'"

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