Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Amazing Gift of the Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper is an amazing gift from God.  We are urged to do this sacrament in remembrance of Christ.

We Are To Remember A Suffering Lord - The blood and juice represent the broken body and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we partake of this observance, we need to remember the awful price that Jesus paid to save our souls. Please remember that when He died on the cross, He was dying in your place, and that He suffered greatly when He did, fie you and for me. 

We Are to Remember An Achieving Lord - As we take the bread and the juice today, we need to remember that Jesus Christ died, but that three days later, He arose from the dead. He lives, Matt. 28:1-6; Rev. 1:18!

We Are To Remember An Appearing Lord - After Jesus rose from the dead, He ascended hack to Heaven and sat down at His Father's right hand to await the day when He will return to this earth to receive His people unto Himself. Every time we take the Lord's Supper, we are declaring to a lost world that we believe in a returning Lord, who will surely come again!  And, if we really believe that Jesus is coming again, we will live like we are looking for Him to come back any day now.

The Lord's Supper service is sacred for several reasons. By sacred, I mean that it is to be held in high regard by those who participate in it. It possesses no saving power, but it is still holy unto the Lord. There are 2 basic reasons why the Lord's Supper is sacred.

A. It Was Instituted By Christ - Jesus inaugurated the first Lord's Supper before He went to the cross and He intends for His people to follow His example. It is sacred simply because Jesus set the example.

B. It Witnesses To Christ - Paul makes it clear that when we participate in the Lord's Supper service that we are declaring our faith in the death, burial, resurrection and return of the Lord Jesus.
While the Lord's Supper declares the faith of those who partake of it, it also points to the truth of Gospel to those who do not know the Lord. Every time we gather at the Lord's table and observe the Lord's Supper, we are serving up a witness to a lost and dying world that 2,000 years ago, a man named Jesus went to a cross and died for the sins of humanity, that He rose from the dead and that He lives today and will return for His people. It is a powerful witness.

When we come to the Lord's table, we need to remember not just ourselves, but also our brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling, Gal. 6:2. We need to consider those who are outside the family of God. Those outside the faith need someone to cast them a lifeline. God help us to remember this time is a time to remember and to repent.

We Have The Opportunity To Renew - The Lord's Supper service is a wonderful time for the child of God to his vows and his vision. It is a great time to remember why we are here. It is a good time to renew our vows unto the Lord. Many allow sin to creep into their lives and hinder their walk with the Lord. This is a good time to get al of that fixed up and get back on track with the Lord.

When we come to the Lord's table, there is nothing or no one to get glory but the Lord. When His Supper is received with faith and gladness, Jesus will be glorified, the saints will be edified, sinner will be evangelized and God the Father will be exalted! When we call to mind the price Jesus paid for us and the fact that He lives for our justification, it will bring us to the place of praise and worship.

Be Sure You Are Right With The Lord - If you are saved, then be sure you examine yourself and that you confess your sins before the Lord. He will receive you and forgive you and make you ready to receive the Lord's Supper.

Be Sure You Take It In The Right Spirit - Please focus your heart and mind on the Lord and do your best to be in communion with Him as you receive His Supper.  He did it all for YOU!

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