Monday, May 11, 2009

The Virtuous Woman -- Much Like Many Contemporary Women She Juggles Family and Career, But She Fears the Lord!

Proverbs 31 has the famous passage about the virtuous woman. I see images of my mother and my wife in her. It is a passage worth reading, beginning at verse 10.

It is interesting to note that this last part of Proverbs 31, beginning with verse 10, consists of 22 verses. Each verse begins with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet (in proper order). The same alphabetical pattern is found in some of the Psalms and may have been used as an aid in memorizing Scripture. The most well-known alphabetical Psalm is Psalm 119 where there are 22 alphabetical sections of eight verses each. In the Hebrew text of Proverbs 31, each verse is also clearly divided into two parts (for example, in verse 10---Part 1: Who can find a virtuous woman? Part 2: For her price is far above rubies). This same two-part format is found in all of these verses. The only exception might be verse 15 which seems to be divided into three parts.

The first part of verse 10 literally reads, "Who can find a woman of strength?" The term "virtuous" is from a noun meaning strength, efficiency, ability. Here it refers to strength of character, that is, moral strength and firmness. The Old Testament uses this expression of a virtuous woman in two other places. In Ruth 3:11 it is used of Ruth. Everyone in the city knew that she was a virtuous woman! When a woman has strength of character (fears God, loves truth, hates sin), then others will take note and recognize this. It will be very obvious because it is so unusual. People are usually so morally weak and so anemic in character, that when a man or woman of strength shows up it is quite evident to all. The other place the term is used is in Proverbs 12:4 where we learn that a virtuous woman (lit--a woman of strength) makes her husband blessed and she is to be praised.

And note that although Proverbs 31 talks of women in the context of wifehood and mothernood, there is ample Biblical evidence of God’s love, respect and call upon single women and widows who serve the Lord. They too may be deemed to be “virtuous women” in the light of the verses that apply to them in their unmarried state, both in Proverbs 31 and elsewhere in the Scriptures. We must give our deepest respect to all virtuous ladies among the godly single women and widows!

There is a lot to be said about women in the Book of Proverbs. As you know, the Book of Proverbs is a list of proverbs or statements of wisdom, and throughout the Book of Proverbs there is a continual interest in women.

There is a woman who appears frequently in the Book of Proverbs, and she is the opposite of the "excellent woman;" she is the "adulteress." She flatters with her lips; she forsakes the covenant with her own husband, to seduce someone else. The "adulteress" has lips that drip honey, she has a smooth tongue and she hunts for the precious life of some victim.

There is not only the "adulteress" but there is the "noisy woman," the loud, boisterous woman, with whom no one wants to live, and the normal man would prefer, the proverbs says, "to live in the corner of the roof, in a tiny little place, than in a big house with a boisterous woman. There is the "foolish woman," there is the "rebellious woman," there is the "quarrelsome woman," and they are all really set in contrast to this "excellent virtuous woman" here in chapter 31. There is in chapter 12:4 of Proverbs, this statement, "A virtuous woman is the crown of her husband, but she who shames him is as rottenness in his bones."

There is no other Scripture portion that even remotely gives such a detailed description of the “virtuous woman” as does Proverbs 31:10-31. Repeating some of the highlights, the woman that God’s Word describes as praiseworthy:

• is of noble character
• is fully trustworthy
• is an asset to her husband
• is domestically skilled
• is concerned that her household be well and nutritiously fed
• is diligent, arising before dawn and busy until after dark
• is endowed with a good business sense, even to the point of buying a field and planting a vineyard
• may have her own profitable home-based business
• is a hard worker
• is generous to and aware of the poor and needy
• is wise in preparing her household for the needs of the days to come
• is wise in ensuring that she and her family are well and appropriately clothed
• is in proper relationship to her husband, who is out conducting his business affairs at the city gates
• is a woman of wisdom
• shows dignity and strength
• is a faithful instructor to her children
• is diligent to watch over her household
• is the recipient of blessing and praise from her children and her husband
• is above all a God-fearing, godly woman!

Such a woman has been enshrined in the Scriptures for several thousand years as God’s role model for the godly, virtuous woman. To the older women I say, teach these things to the younger women. To the younger women, I exhort you to resist the enticements of the antifamily feminist teachings of our day. Reach out, rather, to embrace God’s vision for you, His “virtuous women”. To such a woman God says (vs. 31), “Let her works praise her at the city gates.”

There is much wisdom in Proverbs, and especially in Proverbs 31—we see a woman described here who is like many contemporary women – balancing home and business, motherhood and a career, domesticity and an example that women can be just as active as men in contributing to society, all aided by divine guidance and wisdom.

All of life, Proverbs proclaims that the wise life is to be lived in the fear and respect of the Lord. A proper respect God is the beginning of wisdom, the end of wisdom, and the whole of wisdom. Or as Jesus, the Wisdom of God incarnate, once put it, "Do not worry about what you will eat or what you will wear. But seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you as well." We do not need to know much more than that the Lord Jesus abides with us every day and in every situation. The wise live like they really believe that what the Bible says is true. Amen.

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