Saturday, April 19, 2008

Things I Have Learned in My Calls

Today marks three years of ministry to the two churches to which I am currently called. A calling is a wonderful and holy thing -- As Presbyterians we believe that pastors and congregations are brought together through a call from God. It is a relationship established not primarily for the benefit of one or both of the parties, but for the purpose of service in the ministry of Jesus Christ. God has endowed both the leader and the people with particular gifts and experiences that, when brought together, provide the resources for effective ministry.

We believe that God uses committees, procedures, and our polity to call persons to positions of leadership, all guided by the Holy Spirit. Through every step of the process we pray for God's guidance in calling individuals to positions of leadership. Such was the case with my coming to my churches. Some obstacles were overcome, and we saw the mighty hand of God as He opened doors and gave us favor. There is much accountability in our system, and sometimes the hoops one goes through seems to squelch our hopes, but in the long run, we have seen this process work well for the discernment of God's will for churches and pastors.

The great Presbyterian writer Frederick Beuchner said that a calling was far more than a job -- He said "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

So it has been with all five churches I have served as a pastor over the years, and I see it most especially in the people and churches I serve at this time in my life. As an older pastor friend once said to me -- "You are God's gift to these people, and they are God's gift to you." He also said that if I kept my ears and eyes and heart open, I would learn much more from the people I serve than I would ever teach them, because that was how pastoring worked. So it ahs been the last three years.

You know, a lot can happen three years of ministry. Just look at what Jesus did with three years! And note that two of Paul's missionary journeys were three years in duration, while the third one was one year longer. And though not on the level of our great models of the minsitries of Paul and Jesus, we have seen the Lord do much good here in the three years we have been in our yoked churches. Never underestimate the power of God. God will surprise you all the time.

I have learned a number of things from the people, including 1. TEAMWORK 2. COMMITMENT –3. FAITHFULNESS -- 4. TRADITION –5. COMPASSION -- 6. JOY – and 7. LOVE -- Yes, love is all around. Everything must be done in LOVE,a nd it usually is.

I thank God for the calling God gave me and the churches I serve. May I serve them well, and may God's favor be upon these churches and the people who make them up. May we always serve Jesus our Lord with smiles and laughter.

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