Monday, February 18, 2008

Incense and What it Meant

I recently attended a service in another church where incense was used, and I found the symbolism to be a powerful thing to me.

During the “Old Testament” Scripture reading (Luke 1:8-10; Ps. 141:1-2), a young person walked in holding a burning incense candle and stood on stage at the front of the sanctuary. Then a second young person entered with a burning incense candle as another voice read the New Testament Scripture reading (Heb. 4:14-16; James 5:16b; John 14:6, 13; Matt. 18:20). As the third burning incense candle was brought forward, a voice read Revelation 8:2-5.

The candles were then placed on the “altar.”

At this point a pastor explained the symbolism of the altar and the incense. The smoke from the altar symbolizes the prayers of God’s people. The incense represents the purifying, mediating work and prayers of Jesus that make our prayers acceptable to God as a sweet-smelling savor. For our prayers to be heard and answered by God, they need to be offered in Jesus’ name.

The service was strongly based on the Scriptures and I was inspired by it. It showed me that even when people worship is some different manners than we may do, there is a richness in the Spirit that we all share. Praise the Lord!

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