Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Power of Music

Music has been called the universal language. Certainly, there is great power in worship and praise and instrumental music used in churches. The Lord inhabits the praises of His people, and there are few things as wonderful as a beautiful hymn or praise chorus. Every time our choir sings, I feel the whispers of angels moving their wings in affirmation.

I have posted in the previous three posts three songs that have touched my heart in recent weeks. I mainly listen to Christian radio, and songs like Casting Crowns "Praise You in the Storm" lift my spirit high. But there are a lot of wonderful songs seeping into the regular radio -- many Christian values are being spoken in country music songs like "Three Wooden Crosses." And every once in a while you will find a song in pop music or rap music that resonates with Christian values, such as the Black Eyed Peas "Where is the Love?" Listen closely to the lyrics and the prayer in the chorus. It echoes the remarks on love from Jesus in the Book of John. It is a good question to ask ourselves, all across this nation, "Where is the Love?"

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