Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Future of the Church

Youth ministry is an extemely important assignment for the local church. It is where leaders for the church's future are formed. Youth Fellowship needs to be fun and exciting. Youth should be challenged to grow and to learn to work with others. The youth fellowship needs to be a place where youth feel comfortable, accepted and cared about. It should be a time for youth to explore their spiritual nature, so that youth learn about themselves, about others, and about God.

This year we are seeking our church to be a purpose driven church and our youth fellowship to also reflect this powerful theme. Inspired by the writings of Dr. Rick Warren and Doug Fields, we will look at what we do through the five New Testament purposes of the church, as given by Jesus Christ Himself. The five purposes are taken directly from the Great Commandments in Mt 22:37-40, and the Great Commission in Mt 28:18-20.

The Five Purposes are:

1. Worship – “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Mt 22:37). Learning to worship God with our whole lives, not just in youth group, but with all our gifts and talents.

2. Ministry – “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 22:39). Friendship and service, singing, acting, skits and trips. Making Jesus our Lord in life.

3. Evangelism – “go therefore and make disciples” (Mt 28:19). Sharing God’s blessings and letting others in on the Good News of Jesus Christ.

4. Fellowship – “baptizing them” (Mt 28:19), identification with the Christian community, learning to live well - “What Would Jesus Would Do?” Having clean fun and good times! Games and challenges, good food and discussion.

5. Discipleship – “teaching them to obey all that I command you” (Mt 28:20). Becoming people of the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) and ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:17) We make disciples by being good servants and friends.

We hope to accomplish great things for youth, for the church and for the community, bringing glory to God. We are dedicated to the nurture, care and support of our youth, who are part of the future of the Christian church.

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