Sunday, April 08, 2007


On that first Easter morning the disciples came to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty. They came expecting to find a body and instead they found emptiness. Now I have to tell you that I have preached many Easter sermons about the empty tomb. The empty tomb is a compelling image.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ has been called the greatest event in human history, because it changed everything. Of course, His birth and crucifixion were necessary precedents to the resurrection, and they are all interrelated in our salvation.

The three main events in the life of Jesus were when He became incarnate at his birth, when He went to Calvary to bear our sins, and when He arose from the dead on the first Easter morning.

The three are intricately inter-related. If Jesus had not become incarnate, He could not have borne the sins of man. If He had not given His life a ransom for the sinner, then there would have been no need for a resurrection from the dead.

The resurrection of Jesus provides for us a great source of gladness. There were no "what ifs" about his resurrection, for Peter said that "IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR DEATH TO HOLD HIM." It was planned in eternity past, that the Lord Jesus would not only die, but that he would not stay in the grave in defeat. Christ was destined to rise in victory and glory.

Our hearts are lifted above our present problems and pressures, when we realize get a glimpse of an empty tomb and a resurrected, ever living Savior.

We begin to catch a ray of hope in what we regard as hopeless situations, when we stop to think that Jesus lives, and because He lives we can face tomorrow.

We tend to lose our fears when we have our eyes upon the Lord of Life and the Conquerer of Death. We hear Him come from the grave and whisper to our souls the comforting, reassuring words : "Fear Not".

Life's difficulties do not look as large, when we remind ourselves that He lives. We have a present help in the time of trouble.

The fact that Jesus is alive is more real to me than the fact than I am living. How precious are these eternal, wonderful, spiritual things of God!

There are miracles that are sent our way daily by God. I believe we are constantly confronted by miracles, and the resurrection is the miracle of all miracles. Explain it away if you like, but we have been tremendously affected by the countless people over these last 2000 years who encountered the risen Christ in their lives.

What the resurrected Christ did was to empower his followers to continue his work, be bearers of his love, be healers in his name, and work for justice and peace in the world. Christians have been killed, persecuted, ridiculed, reviled and dismissed but still the Good News lives on and in 2000 years of trying all those governments and individuals who have attempted to eliminate Christianity from the face of the earth have failed. Praise God for Savior.

We are Easter People. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!

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