Saturday, March 17, 2007

Your Light is Needed for the Church to be Bright

Heb 10:25 states “Do not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Within the covenant community, our local church, we are to encourage one another in the matter of worship attendance, of "meeting together." Don't forget, the purpose of worship is not to make us feel good but to bring worship and praise to the God Who gives us the blood, the forgiveness, and the covenant that makes us God’s children. Back when Hebrews was written, just like today, there were those who neglected to faithfully attend worship. I want to encourage you to keep coming to church each week, and it would be good if you came every time the doors are open, if you possibly can. To get the most out of me as your pastor, you need to sit under my teaching on a regular basis. The power of the Word, and the Word proclaimed, is incremental. The Blessing is multiplied by regular attendance.

. At the same time, it is your responsibility to encourage those who are not here today.. Look around you! Is there a family member – a parent, a husband or wife, a brother or sister, a son or daughter – who is not here today? Is there a friend or another member of the covenant community of this church who is not here? Pray for them and Seek them out this coming week and encourage them to attend. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another" (Hebrews 10:25). Let us encourage one another to faithfully attend our worship services.

In a certain mountain village in Europe several centuries ago, a nobleman wondered what legacy he should leave to his townspeople. At last he decided to build them a church.

No one saw the complete plans for the church until it was finished. When the people gathered, they marveled at its beauty and completeness, except that there were very small indows and no lamps. Then someone asked, "Where are the lamps? How will it be fully lighted?"

The nobleman said there were no windows because he wanted the people to bring their own light into the church. pointed to some brackets in the walls. Then he gave to each family a lamp which they were to bring with them each time they came to worship.

"Each time you are here the area where you are seated will be lighted," the nobleman said. "Each time you are not here, that area will be dark. This is to remind you that whenever you fail to come to church, some part of God's house will be dark."

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