Friday, November 17, 2006

Thankful for Our Cat -- Mr. Kitty Cat Kit

We got a cat in early October from the humane society. He was 6 months old at the time. His official name is Eclipse, but we call him "Cat" and "Mister Kitty Cat Kit" and "Kitty, Kitty". He is fixed, but he does not like to talk about it. Ouida, the 8-year-old Alaskan dog, has grudgingly let him come into the house, as long as he stays out of her food bowl.

When I work at the computer, the cat is always in the chair behind me, or looking out the glass doors near my desk. He has become a pretty good companion. my ten year old daughter and eleven year old son both love him, because he dearly loves for anyone to pet him. He purrs very loudly, like he has speakers inside.

One of my parishioners sent me a funny little anonymous thought piece, called "THINGS YOU CAN LEARN FROM YOUR CAT." Here it is:

*Make the world your playground.
*Whenever you miss the sandbox, cover it up. Dragging a sock over it helps.
*If you can't get your way, lay across the keyboard until you do.
*When you are hungry, meow loudly so they feed you just to shut you up.
*Always find a good patch of sun to nap in.
*Nap often.
*When in trouble, just purr and look cute.
*Life is hard, and then you nap.
*Curiosity never really killed anything except maybe a few hours.
*When in doubt, cop an attitude. Learn how to hiss and show your fangs, even to much larger adversaries. Bluffing often works!
*Variety is the spice of Life. One day, ignore people; the next day, annoy them.
*Climb your way to the top, that's why the curtains are there.
*Make your mark in the world, or at least spray in the corner.
*Always give generously; a bird or rodent left on the step or bed tells them, "I care."
*When you have something important to say, try to say it in the dead of night when you're SURE everyone's sleeping. There's no better way to get the attention you deserve.

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