Sunday, May 10, 2009

Great Women of the Bible

Happy Mother's Day and happy day to all the women of our lives and our churches. You all add beauty and grace to the lives of the rest of us! Praise God for women! Praise God for mothers.

The Bible shows us many women who served God in grace and power - women who contributed to making the world a better place as they served the Lord. Women served God in many ways!

1. Eve, the mother of humanity – a sinner like us, but one created in His image (Gen. 1:27).
2. Sarah, wife of Abraham, mother of the Hebrew people (Genesis
3. Miriam who led the people in praising God after the crossing of the Red Sea (Ex 15:21).
4. Rahab, the prostitute, who helped the Hebrews, and became Jesus ancestor (Joshua 2).
5. Ruth who put God first and became the ancestress of King David (Ruth 1:16; 4:17).
6. Deborah, a judge in Israel, who teamed with Barak to save the nation (Judges 5).
7. Hannah who 'lent to the Lord' the child of her prayers (1Sam 1:28).
8. Esther who took her life in her hands to plead for her doomed people. (Esther 4).
9. The widow whose obedience sustained the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:9-16).
10. A little captive maid who told Naaman's wife of the man of God (Elisha) who could cure Naaman of his leprosy (2 Kings 5:2-4).
11. The virtuous woman spoken of in Proverbs 31 – a model for noble womanhood.
12. The woman who anointed Jesus with the expensive ointment in love (Mk14:3).
13. The poor widow, whose gift of two mites won Jesus' praise (Mk 12:43).
14. Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus, who gave birth to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Luke 1:28), who carried God in her womb.
15. Martha who served and Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42).
16. Mary Magdalene, the Apostle to the Apostles, who brought spices to anoint Jesus, who first greeted the risen Lord and who received the first commission -'Go tell' (Jn 20:1-18).
17. Lydia, the merchant woman, who was a first convert in Macedonia (Acts 16:14), who opened her home and set a gospel fire in Philippi!
18. Dorcas - full of good works (Acts 9:36), who touched many with her good Christian life, and who God had Peter raise from the dead.
19. Pheobe & Priscilla – good and gracious servants of the church (Ro 16:1-4).
20. Lois and Eunice, Timothy’s grandmother and mother, raised him in the faith (2 Tim 1:5).
21. The Samaritan woman at the well who Jesus transformed into an evangelist, who told many about Jesus the Messiah.(John 4).
22. Persis 'the beloved', and Tryphena and Tryphosa who labored for the Lord (Ro. 16:12).
23. The four daughters of Philip the evangelist, who were prophetesses for God (Acts 21:9)
24.Jael, who God used to kill the evil General Sisera with a tent peg, and therefore give the Hebrews the victory in Judges 5:24-27.
25. Peter’s (Cephas) wife, who traveled with him on gospel missions (1 Cor. 9:5). Jesus often stayed at Peter’s house and healed her mother.

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