Monday, January 07, 2008

Growing with Jesus in 2008!

Luke's concluding comments about Jesus' Childhood in Luke 2 are insightful. (2:51-52)

1. Jesus was an obedient child as he placed himself under their authority (2:51)
2. Jesus grew in four ways Wing his youth according to verse 52:

a. Intellectually - "in wisdom"
b. Physically- "in stature"
c. Spiritually - "in favor with God"
d. Socially - "in favor with man"

There are four major areas of human growth and life -- they are all touched upon in Luke 2:52. Jesus grew in a balanced way, a four-fold way. As we begin the New Year it is a good time to give ourselves a check-up in these four areas.

How are we growing in wisdom? Are we studying God's Word? That is where the ultimate wisdom is found. Earthly wisdom, such as how to operate in a trade or a job,can be helpful. But ulitmate wisdom is found in God's Word, and we aquire much of it through reading, study and meditation with the minds that God so wonderfully gave us. So increase your wisdom in 2008. Read and study God's Word.

Physical exercise is of some worth to us, because we get around in these physical bodies and we need to take care of them so we can do the Lord's work in this world. What can you do to help yourself physically? Do you need to exercise a bit more. Do you need to make better choices in your eating? The old rule I learned in computer class goes for our bodies, too. Garbage in, Garbage out. Junk food makes our bodies junky. This has been a hard lesson for me to learn. But it is a true one. So what can you do to increase your health in 2008?

Our social life is very important because God made us to be with other people. This has been true since Genesis and Adam and Eve. We are connectional people. One important lesson we learn is to choose our friends carefully. Who you hang out with can hang you if you make bad choices of friends. That is why it important for Christians to socialize with other Christians, to help each other and lift each other up. That is why church is so important. How can you guard your social life for God in 2008?

Finally, there is the foundational area that affects all areas in a wonderful way -- the Spiritual part of life, the part that connects us with God. Have you asked the Holy Spirit to fill you and to be your guide? Do you nourish yourself with daily prayer and Bible Reading and going to church every week? What can you do to foster your own spiritual growth and to help others to grow in the Lord during 2008?

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